What a day, what a night!

On Saturday the Vienna Rollergirls hosted an amazing double header home bout which was also the premiere for the VRG B-Team, including first-time-players Babs van Hel, Daria Mörderdorffer, Headlock Holmes, KnockOut Nora and Victoria Siempre. Their opponents were the Rotterdam Death Row Honeys which were able to take home a clear 80:214 win.

The VRG A-Team bouted the Leeds Roller Dolls Whip-Its and beat them 203:114.

The cherry on top were our great announcers Klara Croft and Gloria Hole and the as always amazing half time show of the Fearleaders.

But the Vienna Rollergirls not only play hard, they also party hard: and so the after party at Loop lasted until the early morning.
after bout party - eklextasy
Picture taken by the Eklextasy DJ Team