Did you know?

The Vienna Roller Derby logo is based on a true person, the popular trapeze artist and strongwoman Laverie C. Cooper, better known as Charmion, who lived from 1875 to 1949. In a photograph you see her in the iconic posture, looking over her muscular back and flexed arm. Inspired by Charmion`s strength and (at the times) provocative, gender-nonconforming act, that was a mixture of a striptease and a bodybuilding show, we added the rollerskates to her arm and stylized her into our beloved logo.


A logo not only promotes public recognition, but also functions as a means for identification and representation. We are aware, that our logo, since it is inspired by a real-life person, does not represent all former, current and future members of Vienna Roller Derby and are therefore currently leading internal discussions on it`s future. It is our declared goal and a constant work-in-progress to make everybody, who is interested in our sport or community, feel welcome and invited to join. You do not have to have Charmion`s muscular arms to play roller derby, you do not have to look like our logo, to join our league!